Rainbow Resonance

Outside the temple I built

For us

You wanted my embrace

And I wanted you

So we stood beneath

A cosmic canopy

Facing a place between

Chaos and conversation

We brought our hearts

On pink fluffy clouds

To hold and to breathe

A glowing orb between us

Your neck perfumed with jasmine and sage

In those moments that lasted

You sighed

With a hum that blossomed

In rainbow resonance

Growing hope in the garden

Of safety

Signaling my body to relax

In the glimmer and shimmer

Of our auras entwined

As if we’d met there

Lifetimes before

Fox Medicine

In still air and changing light

While giving horses alfalfa

A snapping twig turned my eyes to

Feminine power, shape-shifting creativity

Revealing herself

From the forest across dried grass

Entering the corral through its broken-open gate

In high black boots and sleek red jacket

Bold, light steps obscured her behind a berm

I nervously circled behind the stalls

And waited beneath oaks for her next move

Cresting the threshold to follow my path

She reappeared

And sat facing me in the warmth before twilight

Like she arranged our appointment

We gazed at each other for so many breaths that

A new world opened

And she guided me

Into the space between realms

(Cover art by Hannah Willow @hannahwillow.artist)

Union Divine

At the end of fall, I sit burned and jagged, hot and dry

Remnants of my life scattered upon me

Monuments of destruction

And you find me like this when you arrive as clouds that cover

Shielding my skin from the sun’s burning rays

Until you are mist, preparing me

To accept you as rain

Mixing with my ashes, creating fertile compost

Forming puddles under rocks and cleansing my pain

Softening the shells of my long-dormant seeds

You return as snow

Blanketing me with your cool, soothing balm

Held and holding, gently protecting my wounds

Layer by layer, inch by inch

And in perfect timing, you melt away

Caressing me, pouring into my veins

Saturating my sediment and filling my aquifers

The seeds that sprout in our entwined elements

Grow upon me, out of my ashes, in the warmth of your love


Water cascading in ribbons down mountains

Traveling through gorges, forests, and meadows

Gliding over rocks and boulders immense

Softening rough edges, each one to her will

Shifting into nourishment, soil, and roots

Exhaling as oxygen through pine needle tips

Letting go into sky into freedom into space

Transforming my heart into Divine living faith

My Eyes

When he told me he fell in love with my eyes,

I remembered

I was ten


Before I knew he chose his death

My grandmother,

Who never spoke of him, said:

“You have his almond-shaped eyes.”


More than twenty years later,

At the end of her life she asked,

“Why did my true love leave me?”

I looked at her with his eyes


Said the only thing I could think to say:

“He was suffering.”